Overcoming Fear, Sicknesses, and Untimely Death

Fear is bait for defeat, anything you fear has the power to defeat you. Here in Nigeria, we defeated Covid19 by faith. Despite all predictions, Africa had the least number of cases, we chased the demon away by our faith. The spirit of fear is not from God, it is from the devil. In 2 Tim.1:7, For God, hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and a sound mind. The devil was behind the fear of Covid, not God.


The primary source of sickness and losses that happen to people is the devil (see Job 1). If you are not afraid of sickness, it cannot come upon you. Job was plagued with sickness because he was afraid of it. He said In Job.3:25, For the thing which I greatly feared, is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of comes unto me. Brethren, I encourage you to be strong in faith. Faith is not a risk, but doubt.

The enemy

Sickness is an enemy. According to the scripture, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus has come to give you life in abundance (see John.10:10). I pray, that you won’t waste all your resources on sickness. Amen. If you can receive health for free why do you have to pay for it? Jesus paid the price of your sickness – in full – on the cross. He took your place in sickness the same way He took the place of Barnabas on the cross. Himself took (took in the past tense, He is not coming to take) our infirmities (Mathew.8:17).

Wait a minute, I am not against medical practices but I do not rely on them. My trust is in God, the master surgeon, and the great physician. You cannot rely on it too, it is too risky to depend on. The sad thing is that many people believe in their doctors more than God. For me, whatever God says is final. Period. When God did a surgical operation for Adam in Genesis, there was no recovery period. Adam started functioning immediately – and there were no scars. God has a spare part store for all of your body parts. Whatsoever that is not repairable, is replaceable. He is your manufacturer. He is the only one that can fix you. I have seen people who God gave brand new kidneys. I have seen people called barren, whose case was medically termed “impossible” became joyful mothers and fathers of children. God is real!

There are 8 things that people fear:

– People fear sickness (they fear what the doctor says).

– People fear accidents (the fear of road, water, and air accidents).

– People fear failure (they are unable to step out into something great because of the fear of past failure).

– People fear change (they are unable to initiate change/embrace change so they stick with the status quo).

– People fear crowds (those who are afraid of public speaking).

– People fear authority (those who are afraid of the law and its consequences and are scared to challenge bad governance).

– People fear insecurity (the fear of war, uprising, and insurgency).

– People fear death (the fear of death kills faster before death comes).

I don’t know which category you fall under, but I can assure you that there is nothing to be scared of as long as you are in Christ. The scripture mentioned “do not be afraid” 365 times. Why? Because without fear, the devil cannot harass you. Many people are victims of satanic oppression because of the things they fear.

The fear of death

Why do you want to leave (die) early? If you leave early, you will carry blocks (heaven is undergoing construction). It all has to do with your mind, and the way you think, you can determine when to leave if you believe. King David wrote the lower limit, 70 years (see Psalm.90:10) and he died in his seventies Wikipedia, David died at 70 Abraham wrote the upper limit, 120 years (see Genesis.6:3) and he died at 175 Abraham died at 175, Wikipedia You can write yours.

Whatsoever you believe you are empowered to become (see proverbs.18:21). Serve God and the interest of His kingdom guarantees longevity (see. Exodus. 23:26). Appear in Zion (Zion means church) and you shall be strong (see Psalm.87:4). Strength indicates long life. There is nothing mystical about long life, the knowledge of your covenant right to a long life is the key. The power of death is not with the devil anymore, it’s with Jesus (see Revelation.1:18).

To conclude

The devil uses fear to manipulate people into his plan to oppress and torment them. God does not give us the spirit of fear but the spirit of a sound mind, this means that fear does not come from God but the devil. What does not scare you cannot defeat you.

The key to overcome fear and its negative consequences is to have quality knowledge of the word of God – God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea.4:6) – which is what this post is all about. This post aims to give you an awareness of your covenant right to health and long life. If you are not afraid you will overcome every negative doctor’s verdict. If you are not afraid you will triumph in everything you do in life. If you are not scared, you commit God to His integrity as He confirms His word in your life.

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